Employer Resources

Please be patient while we update our Employer Resources. 

The Office of Internships and Cooperative Programs wants to partner with employers who can offer students meaningful work with a learning component related to their field of study. While gaining work experience and earning money to support their education, students are encouraged to seek academic credit. In addition to earning a degree, gaining meaningful on-the-job training affords students a competitive edge when they attempt to seek full-time employment upon graduation. In return, employers are able to access a flexible, cost-effective workforce without a long-term commitment, and are able to assess students’ skills and fit with the company before making a permanent offer of employment. This can result in reduced turnover and greater overall employee satisfaction. This system benefits the students, the employers, the university, and the community as a whole.

If you wish to be an internship or co-op provider, please take a moment to register on Eagle Career Network, which operates as our job posting board. Check out this Eagle Career Network Quick Guide for step-by-step instructions for registration as an employer.

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We’re here to answer your questions.

Internships & Co-ops

McTarnaghan Hall, Suite 229
10501 FGCU Blvd. S.
Fort Myers, FL 33965

