Leachate Treatment Research

Leachate Treatment Research 2018-2021

Evaluation and optimization of floating aquatic treatment wetlands for phytoremediation pre-treatment of municipal landfill leachate employing saline-tolerant plants natural to South Florida

This study explores a low-cost, low-maintenance, floating wetland treatment system that has the potential to passively treat leachate in ponds, reducing inorganic nitrogen and COD loading before discharge to POTW. The end goal of this research is to provide design criteria for floating treatment wetlands so that landfill managers can reduce leachate management costs by pre-treating their leachate using this type of system.


Ashley Thomson Pic
Office: HE 413
Phone: 239-745-4390
E-mail: athomson@fgcu.edu
Lauren Redfern Pic
Office: HE 422
Phone: 239-590-7590
E-mail: lredfern@fgcu.edu
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