Dawn Kirby's Profile

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Kirby, Dawn

Associate Provost, Academic Programs and Curriculum Development
Provost & Executive VP for Academic Affairs

EH 0214A

Dr. Kirby is Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Curriculum Development. She joined FGCU as the Dean of Undergraduate Studies in 2016. An educator with extensive experience in teaching and administration in public and private universities, she received her doctorate in English and Language from the University of Georgia. Kirby has been a Graduate Faculty member, directing dissertations and theses, developing the first master’s program in writing for one university, and collaboratively developing the first doctoral program for another university. She has been a full (tenured) professor since 2003.

Kirby entered fulltime administration in 2010 at Kennesaw State University, serving one year as Assistant Dean and four years as Associate Dean in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. She also directed a National Writing Project site and served as Chair of the Interdisciplinary Studies Department, working with diverse disciplines such as African and African Diaspora Studies, Asian Studies, Latinx Studies, and Women and Gender Studies. At Utah State University, Kirby served as Senior Associate Dean in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2014-2016.

Kirby’s commitment to faculty governance is grounded in her progression through faculty and administrative ranks. She is a strong advocate for the value of a liberal arts education, the significance of lifelong philanthropy, and the importance of developing and mentoring students as leaders.

Throughout her career, she has maintained her focus on excellence in teaching and scholarship. She is co-author of three books on writing pedagogy, the author of professional articles and book chapters, and a frequent presenter at various professional conferences.

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