Make a Difference With Service Learning
With 4,979,367 tracked service learning hours since 1997, FGCU deeply believes in the power of service learning to help students. Students can benefit from these programs in diverse ways. Some examples include an enhanced classroom learning experience, gaining career readiness skills, and exploring their passion areas. The best part is that students can do this all while serving the community and mitigating needs. In fact, service learning is so vital to the FGCU experience that we are one of the only public institutions to make service learning a graduation requirement for all undergraduate students.
Track Your HoursEvents CalendarFind a Community PartnerService Learning OPPORTUNITIes
Graduating May 2025?
Service learning hours must be tracked and verified by February 9, 2025.
Get to Know Our Service Learning Mission
At FGCU, we are committed to empowering students through meaningful service learning experiences that extend beyond classroom learning. Whether you're looking to build your resume, contribute to the community, or gain hands-on experience, our service learning initiatives are designed to help you succeed. Review our about us section to learn more about our frameworks for service learning.
Serving Three Unique and Integrated Populations
Our office exists to serve: FGCU students, faculty and our nonprofit and government agency community partners. We collaborate with students to align them with service learning experiences for both their academic and personal growth journey. We support faculty and staff with resources and guidance for creating a logical bridge between service learning and the curriculum. This ensures attention to both educational and community goals for completing necessary goals or requirements. In addition, we facilitate impactful partnerships with community partners to address local needs while fostering sustainable connections. By serving these three populations, FGCU creates a dynamic ecosystem where learning, service and civic engagement thrive in union.
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Office of Service Learning & Civic Engagement
McTarnaghan Hall 229 (Second Floor)
10501 FGCU Boulevard South
Fort Myers, Florida 33965