Lisa Johnson's Profile

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Johnson, Lisa (Ph.D.)

Assoc VP, Enrollment Managemnt
Student Success & Enrollment Management

Executive leadership, enrollment management, student affairs, and underserved populations.

Dr. Lisa Johnson currently serves as the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). She was appointed to this position in September 2019 after a national search and is FGCU’s first chief enrollment manager. Dr. Johnson has successfully brought together numerous offices and functions that previously had different reporting lines to create a unified, cohesive approach to enrollment management on the FGCU campus. Prior to her arrival at FGCU, Dr. Johnson served as Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management at UMass Boston. She has over 30 years of experience in higher education specializing in executive leadership, enrollment management, student affairs, and underserved student populations. Dr. Johnson has served in leadership roles in academic affairs, student affairs and enrollment management. Dr. Johnson is a native of Massachusetts and was the first in her family to attend college. Her personal and profession experiences have shaped her great appreciation for the value and importance of strong public higher education. She has relocated to Southwest Florida with her husband, Dr. Hank Venuti. They have one daughter Gina Johnson Venuti who resides in Providence, RI.

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