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Torres, Jorge (Ph.D., MD)

Associate Professor
Department of Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Engineering

Dr. Jorge Torres joined FGCU in August, 2007 as an Associate Professor in Bioengineering. He received the M.D. from the National University of Colombia (South America) and the M.S. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Torres worked for several years on the areas of Medical laser applications and ultrasound, and participated as co-investigator in projects funded by the Whitaker Foundation and NIH. He worked for 5 years on biomedical instrumentation and signal analysis at the University of los Andes in Bogota, Colombia, where he was a Visiting and a Research Professor in the Departments of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, and assisted on the coordination of the Master's program in Biomedical Sciences. He was PI or Co-PI on projects funded by the main research funding agency of Colombia (Colciencias) involving physiological measurements, biosignal acquisition and processing, and medical device implementation. At FGCU, he teaches courses in the biomedical instrumentation sequence. His research interests include: biosensors, biosignal analysis, electrophysiology, and biomedical optics.

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