Zemplinski, Julie (MSH,MS,MLS,MB)
Julie Zemplinski is certified by the American Society of Clinical Pathology in both
Clinical Laboratory Science and Molecular Biology, and licensed by the State of Florida
as a Clinical Laboratory Scientist - Supervisor. Zemplinski is a member of ASCP, ASCLS,
Prior to her arrival at FGCU in 2000, Zemplinski worked in the clinical laboratory
science field for over 20 years, specializing in Microbiology/Virology/Mycology. Zemplinski
also spent one year as the Administrative Director Clinical Laboratory/Pathology at
Governor Juan F. Luis Hospital, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands.
Zemplinski has presented her work at national conferences and has published in the areas of microbiology, virology, mycology, clinical laboratory education, reducing laboratory errors, and effective use of educational technology tools.
Clinical experiences:
- 16 years as a technologist in the clinical laboratory at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
- 2 years as a Systems Supervisor of the clinical laboratory with Lee Memorial Health System
- 1 year as an Administrative Director of the Clinical Laboratory at Gov. Juan F. Luis Medical Center in St. Croix, Virgin Islands
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