Relocating/Leaving the University

Department Relocation/Changing Positions at the University

Whether your department is relocating or you as an employee are changing position at the University, there are some simple tips to assist with transfer.  Use the information below as a checklist to ensure that records are purged, inventoried, transferred, and secured properly.

  • Purge records that are outdated, inactive, or duplicate material (a disposition form is required for outdated or inactive records that have met their retention)
  • Ensure the appropriate level of access to files during the move. For files that are likely to be accessed, maintain detailed data on the box, bin or container by identifying content, original location, and destination.
  • Consider the level or security that should be applied during the moving process to comply with privacy laws and mitigate risk. Security may include seals on storage containers, onsite security supervision, and camera monitored rooms.
  • Take an inventory of your files to ensure that all of your records arrive to the new location intact and uncompromised
  • Seize the opportunity to improve by reducing your records, centralizing your remaining records, increasing your security, and reviewing and improving equipment
  • Attempt to anticipate future department needs in terms of records management (filing systems and locations, equipment needs, processes to centralize information to eliminate duplicate material, procedures to purge files as they become outdated, inactive or have met their retention, etc.)


Leaving the University

If you are leaving the University please make sure to transfer records to your supervisor.  Records may exist in your email, on the department shared drive, in a database, etc.  In addition, contact the Records Management Department and utilize the checklist below so that we may further assist in providing continuity for the department after your departure.

  • Conduct a records inventory
  • Complete a disposition form for outdated and inactive records that have met their retention
  • Purge records that are no longer needed (outdated, inactive, duplicated, drafts, etc.)
  • Give your supervisor and co-workers appropriate levels of access to your files (computer, shared drive, software programs, etc.)
  • Contact the Department of Records Management for assistance to ensure all state statutes and University policies and procedures are adhered to before your departure