Apply for a New U.S. Passport
At FGCU we value the importance of world travel, and thus have established ourselves as being an authorized Passport Application Acceptance Facility. We serve FGCU students, faculty, staff and members of the community. Our office does not process renewals but we may be able to provide information about renewing your passport.
Passport Facility Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00am -2:30pm
University and U.S. Post Office closures may affect hours of operation
Please allow/schedule 30 min for each applicant
Call (239) 590-1485 to schedule an appointment
U.S. Passport Application Appointment Requirements
All Documents must be the original and you must bring additional copies.
- ALL applicants, including children, MUST be present in our office when applying for a US Passport.
- Form DS-11 Passport Application. Available online at or in our office. Complete in black ink only. If you are printing completed Form DS-11, please print single sided.
- U.S. Citizenship Document Original/Certified U.S. Birth Certificate, previous undamaged fully-valid U.S. Passport Book or Card (can be expired), Certificate of Birth Abroad OR original Certificate of Naturalization. Photocopies are not accepted as original physical evidence. The U.S. Department of State requires long-form birth certificate with parental information. Please see for further information on U.S. Citizenship Documents.
- Photo Identification Florida driver's license or review list for other acceptable primary photo IDs . A secondary form of photo identification will be required for non-Florida Driver's Licenses.
- One 2 x 2 Passport Photo. FGCU has a Passport Photo Booth located in the Library. The cost is $12.99 per ID Print, payable by credit card. There are also passport photo services at local establishments outside of FGCU. Please review the U.S. Passport Photo requirement for further details.
- YOU MUST provide COPIES: Copies (single sided) - Black and white copy of the front & back of photo ID on 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper and black and white copy of U.S. Citizenship document on an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper.
- Check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of State. NO CASH PAYMENTS, starter checks, or credit/debit card payments. This payment must be a check or money order to be mailed with the passport application. Prices vary, please see Passport Fees on the Travel.State.Gov web page for further details.
- Check, money order payable to FGCU for $35 FGCU Facility Execution Fee.
- You have an option to add USPS Express Mail (1-2 day delivery) for an additional $27.20 = $62.20 FGCU Fee with Express Mail.
- Money orders can be purchased at many local establishments such as banks, local supermarkets, and post offices.
Applicant's Age 16 or 17 eligible for Adult Passport:
- Parental Awareness: The applicant and at least one parent/guardian along with their photo identification must be present at the time of the Passport appointment. Both parents along with their photo identification are helpful in the passport processing of children age 16-17. Please let us know if only one can attend for further instruction.
- Copies (single sided) - Black and white copy of the front & back of both parent(s)/guardian(s) photo ID on an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper.
Applicant's Under Age 16:
- Child applicant and both parent(s)/legal guardian(s) must be present at time of the appointment to sign off on the application.
- Both Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Photo Identification and black and white photocopy of front and back of ID printed single sided on an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper.
- Child's original/certified U.S. birth certificate and photocopy on an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper.
Please review More information about passports for children under the age of 16
Proof of Name Change: If your name has changed for any reason (marriage, adoption, etc) you will need to bring in original documentation to support your name change (marriage certificate, adoption papers, court order name change documents, etc).
If you have any issues meeting the above listed criteria, please contact our office, 239-590-1485
Please call 239-590-1485 to schedule your FGCU Passport Appointment
FGCU Passport Appointments are available Monday through Friday from 8:00AM to 2:30PM every 30 minutes.
Prior to coming to your scheduled appointment, it is important to review your confirmation email and the Passport Appointment Requirements tab above.
A separate appointment is required for each applicant if scheduling for more than 1 person.
NO CASH is accepted: Check or Money Order only for your application
Thank you for making an appointment with us to help you process your passport application.
- FGCU Passport Facility Location
Modular 1, Room #9
10501 FGCU Blvd. South
Fort Myers, FL 33965
(Do not use GPS for exact location. Use directions provided in appointment confirmation email)
- Enter through the main FGCU campus entrance via Ben Hill Griffin Parkway.
- A Parking Permit is required to park on campus. Please stop by the FGCU Information Booth at the FGCU main entrance for your parking permit.
- Turn right at the stop sign onto FGCU Blvd. South, after you get your parking pass.
- Our office is located in Modular 1 building on your left after you pass the Campus Support Complex blg.

Solicite su pasaporte estadounidense
Por una cita en español, llama (239) 590-1485
(Aproximadamente 30 minutos por solicitante)
Requisitos de cita de pasaporte:
Se deben de presentar documentos originales juntos con una copia de los mismos.
1. Formulario DS-11 de solicitud de pasaporte
- Puede completarlo en línea (en inglés) y después imprimirlo.
- Puede descargarlo y completarlo a mano.
* El Formulario DS-11 no esta disponible en español.
No firme el Formulario DS-11 hasta que se lo indique el agente que lo atenderá en persona.
2. Documento original de prueba de cuidadanía (en inglés)
- Ejemplos - Certificado de nacimiento de EE. UU., pasaporte estadounidense vencido, certificado de naturalización.
3. Identificación con foto
- Ejemplos - Licencia de conducir de la Florida, pasaporte estadounidense (válido o vencido) o pasaporte extranjero (válido), certificado de naturalización o de cuidadanía, identificación de gobierno, matricula consular o tarjeta de residente permanente de EE. UU.
4. Fotografía para el pasaporte
- Una foto reciente de 2" por 2" con fondo blanco. Las fotos de pasaporte se pueden tomar en los centros de fotographía de Walgreens y CVS.
5. Pago de la tarifa por el trámite del pasaporte
- Cheque o giro postal pagadero a U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
- Servicio de Rutina - $130.00 Adultos (mas de 15 años), $100.00 Niños (0 a 15 años)
- Servicio Urgente - $60.00 adicional
- Correo Urgente - $21.36 (Entrega del nuevo pasaporte con correo de 1 a 2 días)
- Pago a la instalación de FGCU- $35 cheque o giro postal pagadero a Florida Gulf Coast University
6. Copias del documento de prueba de cuidadanía y identificación.
* Si tu nombre ha cambiado, deberá traer la documentación original que demuestre el cambio de nombre (certificado de marimonio, documentos da adoptacion, doocumentos de cambio de nombre de orden judicial)*
How do I check the status of my passport application?
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How long will it take to get my passport?
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What is the difference between a Passport Book and a Passport Card?
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Urgent travel? Need a passport quickly?
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What if I lost my passport?
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Name changes or correcting a passport
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What if the question I have is not listed?
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