Current & Future Projects

Current Projects

Academic Building 9 
Architect - RG Architects and HuntonBrady Architects, Fort Myers, Florida and Orlando, Florida
Construction Manager - Manhattan Construction Company
Status - Completed June 2022

Academic Building 9

Future Projects

New Major Project information will be posted as it becomes available.

Capital Improvement Plan

Florida Gulf Coast University’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a five year plan, which identifies capital projects and provides a timetable for construction or completion. Facilities constructed using state dollars require review by the Florida Board of Governors (FLBOG), and each university within Florida’s State University System submits a CIP annually to the FLBOG. Projects across the state are prioritized and funded accordingly.

We’re Here to Answer Your Questions.

Facilities Planning

Florida Gulf Coast University
10501 FGCU Blvd. S.
Fort Myers, FL 33965
