Inform The Nest Series

Inform The Nest is an educational campaign provided by the Emergency Management Department at FGCU. Throughout the campaign there will be multiple events that aim to inform the FGCU community. Check out the calendar below to find the upcoming events:

Inform The Nest Archive

Opioid abuse is a widespread issue that leads to addiction, overdose and many negative outcomes within our community. While there is not currently an opioid epidemic on FGCU campus, prevention and awareness are known as best practices to keep our faculty, staff and students safe. Throughout November and December, the University Police Department along with the Emergency Management Department created opioid awareness by offering several prevention activities for members of the community to attend. These activities helped faculty and staff to recognize the warning signs and symptoms of opioid abuse with a focus on Fentanyl and its potential impact to our campus and community. UPD also communicated how they will respond to a reported overdose situation on campus.


Mental Health Resources

Employee Assistance Program

Student Care Services

CAPS Crisis Line: 239-745-EARS (3277)

SAMHSA National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP

Events Held: Real Talk Session- A Focus on Fentanyl, Just Say Boo to Drugs, Tabling events, etc. 

Guardian Eagle is a state-of-the-art safety app that allows you to turn your cell phone into a safety device.  FGCU Police can also utilize the Guardian Eagle App to communicate with users during an emergency and quickly provide important information.

Guardian Eagle allows you to select Guardians, such as friends and family members, to check-in on you when you are alone or in an unfamiliar place; set-up a Safety Timer with a location and expected arrival time. If you don’t arrive on time your Guardians are notified to check in on you. You can also send anonymous tips using text and images about suspicious activity to FGCU Police; use an Emergency Call Button to connect with FGCU Police. Your GPS location is provided so emergency personnel can reach you faster. Users can set up a Safety Profile and add important information emergency responders need to know – things like medical conditions, allergies, disabilities, and more.

To create awareness and promote the RAVE Guardian App the Emergency Management Department hosted several virtual info sessions that had over 25 professional staff members signed-up. Additionally, Emergency Management participated in FGCU's Eagle Expo in order to promote RAVE Guardian as well as the 2023 Security and Fire Safety Report. At this event, there were over 2,000 attendees mainly comprised of prospective students and their family members. 

Over the month of March the Emergency Management team partnered with the FGCU University Police Department to share many crime prevention tips with our FGCU community through our Instagram account. to see the content posted click the following link or enter the Instagram app and search @FGCU_EmergencyManagement. Throughout campaign we were able to share content to over 750 followers and were able to reach over 1,300 accounts in the month of March alone.