See Something, Say Something
As a community, we can only stop hazing if people refuse to accept it as "normal"
and report it when it happens. If you are concerned that someone might be being hazed,
report it to the University Police, or use the online form.
File Hazing Report
What is Hazing?
Hazing is defined as any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under sanction of a university or college. All forms of hazing is against the Florida Gulf Coast University Student Code of Conduct. Whenever a student is confronted with a behavior that could possibly be considered hazing, it should be reported to the Student Conduct Office, Fraternity and Sorority Life Staff, or the University Police. If found responsible for hazing, not only can an organization lose recognition from the University, but from their national organization as well.
What are the Laws about Hazing? Learn about laws related to hazing at
What If...
Someone Agrees to be Hazed?
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The Hazing is Being Done by a Few Members, Not the Chapter?
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An Organization is Alleged to be Hazing People?
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Someone isn't in a Fraternity or Sorority?
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Meet the Hazing Prevention Team
The Hazing Prevention Team is a committee of staff member from different branches of the university that work collaboratively to address the issue of hazing at Florida Gulf Coast University, and how the university community can go about being proactive when it comes to addressing the issue of hazing. Below you can find the contact information for the Hazing Prevention Team.