FGCU Alert

FGCU is closing campus to all activities and operations, including all events and classes, Tuesday, October 8 and will remain closed through Friday, October 11. For more information visit FGCU’s Emergency Management website.


Interfolio Logo

Interfolio hosts a suite of faculty information system modules geared toward higher education institutions. Florida Gulf Coast University joined Interfolio as a client partner in 2021. FGCU currently utilizes the Review and Promotion module and is in the implementation process for the Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty180) module. Interfolio was chosen to streamline faculty processes and information to better support faculty throughout their academic endeavors. 


Interfolio Icon

Create your portfolio, keep track of your documents, and complete your reviews, all in one convenient place. 

Interfolio Icon

Communication through a centralized location to improve transparency in faculty processes. 

Interfolio Icon

Collect and curate scholarly materials, request and receive confidential letters of recommendations, and prepare for promotion.

Interfolio Project Timeline

During the 2020-21 academic year, discussions in multiple faculty meetings arose about the burdensome documentation requirements for promotion.   As of academic year 20-21, the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) stipulates that the official promotion document ("Portfolio") is to be a paper document and that an identical electronic copy must be provided for archival purposes.  The discussions in Faculty Senate teams on this topic culminated in a resolution that was passed by the Faculty Senate in support of making the electronic portfolio the official document for promotion and eliminating the required paper document.  

In April 2021, the Faculty Affairs Team surveyed all faculty about their opinion toward electronic promotion portfolios.  Response rate was good (n=234) from a total of about 550 faculty.  An overwhelming majority of respondents were in favor of adopting e-portfolios.  Faculty were asked about a number of pre-identified concerns and were also given a chance to write in their own comments. 

Pie chart with survey results
Bar graph of survey results

Have Questions About Interfolio?

Interfolio Technical Support:



FGCU Interfolio Contacts:

Andi Clemons                                                    Kristin Toth

(239)-590-7465                                                 239-590-7017

aclemons@fgcu.edu                                          ktoth@fgcu.edu