Graduate Studies Faculty Resources
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Important Forms and Documents
- Graduate Assistantship Request - Guidelines below:
- To be completed by campus entities outside the graduate program unit for approval prior to hire
- Full time students taking a 9-9 load (Fall-Spring) should be matched to an assistantship equivalent to 20 hours/week. This may be teaching or research. For teaching, this is equivalent to two 3 cr. hr. courses as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, or teaching up to 6 cr. hr. of introductory courses as a Graduate Teaching Associate (the instructor of record) for each semester that support is requested. Students enrolled in their final semester may be considered for a one-time Graduate Assistantship that semester if enrolled in less than 9 cr. hr.
- Part time students taking a 6-6 load (Fall-Spring) should have support in the amount of 10 hours/week for each semester that support is requested. This may be teaching or research.
- Students with less than 6 hours are not typically eligible for an assistantship. Students with fewer than 6 hours a semester may, under unusual circumstances, be eligible for an assistantship if requested by the program with a thorough justification. This must be approved by Graduate Studies.
- Request to Approve Exception to Minimum University Requirements for Graduate Admission
- Transfer Equivalency Worksheet
- Guidelines on Graduate Faculty Appointment Functions
- Standard Operating Procedure- Graduate Assistantships
- Standard Operating Procedure - Graduate Tuition Waivers
- Letter of Exception for Graduate Faculty Membership Status
- Graduate Policy Revision Proposal Form