Lucas Center Blog


February 29, 2024 

Thanks to Lucas Center friend, Katie Johnson, for sharing information about CourseSource, an open-source journal on evidence-based teaching resources for undergraduate biology and physics. According to the site:

A quick search of the site using the search term “student success” yielded articles titled A Team-Based Approach to Course Development Involving Undergraduate Researchers, Structuring Courses for Equity, Facilitating Scientific Literacy Through Writing: A Write-to-Learn Assignment for Large Introductory Undergraduate Biology Courses, and Real World Scenarios in Non-Majors Biology, all of which could be relevant to the interests of faculty and students at FGCU.

We also know that many of you take a scholarly approach to your teaching, so you may want to consider submitting an article to CourseSearch, which publishes original works of anywhere from 2000 to 4000 words centered on scholarly teaching.

If you encounter other resources to support teaching and learning please share them with, and we’ll post them to our blog and share links on social media. We look forward to hearing from you.