Music Performance

Music Performance

Music Performance

Music Performance
The Music Performance BA Develops Highly-skilled Musicians Who Are Also Broadly-educated, Responsible Citizens Making a Difference in Society Through Connecting Their Art to a Diverse World.
The B.A. in Music-Performance offers students musical and academic preparation for a career in music. Studies in music will balance development of the student's individual musical skills (performance area and musicianship studies), the thorough study of musical structure and style (music theory, history and literature studies), group performance skills (ensembles) and leadership skills (conducting, pedagogy and methods courses). The 21st Century context requires that musical studies also include knowledge of available technology and diverse music from around the world.
4 year graduation plan (instrumental)4 year graduation plan (Piano) 4 year graduation plan (Voice)
Department Contacts
- Instrumental Concentration
- Piano Concentration
- Voice Concentration
Toggle More InfoInformation on FGCU institutional accreditation is available at www.fgcu.edu/accreditation -
Admissions Information
Toggle More InfoAdmissions Information for the 2024-2025 Catalog Year
If you are not yet an FGCU student, visit the Admissions Office Website
If you are a newly-admitted FGCU student please be sure to sign up for an Eagle View Orientation session. As part of this session you will be meeting with an academic advisor who will assist you in registering for classes for your major.
Program Admission Requirements
- Submit an FGCU Undergraduate Admission Application and satisfy all applicable university admission requirements.
- *Specialized Admissions: Submit a Bower School of Music Supplemental Application by June 1 for fall admission and November 1 for spring admission.
- Audition on the student's primary instrument or voice, sight read, and take the music theory placement test.
- Attend an orientation session.
- Sign an Advising Agreement document.
*This means that students apply and are initially accepted into the University as a pre-music major student. A supplemental application and subsequent audition for acceptance into the music major are also required. Not all students who audition and meet the selection criteria are admitted into the specialized admissions major. The selection process is very competitive and space is limited in each admission class.
NOTE: Students admitted to the Bower School of Music are eligible to apply for a Music Scholarship. The Music Scholarships are awarded to assist individual students to obtain an education and to help create an institutional musical environment conducive to the musical growth of all students and the enhancement of the campus cultural environment. The Music Scholarship recipient must maintain an overall grade point average of 2.5 and have no grades of “F” in any class (unless later replaced by a grade of “C” or better). Also they must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 in music classes at FGCU and have no grades lower than “C” in any music class (unless later replaced by a grade of “C” or better), and demonstrate continuing progress in the principal performing medium as exhibited through applied lessons, ensemble performance, recital appearances, and jury examinations.
Admission Deadlines
Visit the Admissions Office Web site for information on admission deadlines of the university.
Program Requirements
Toggle More InfoProgram Requirements for the 2024-2025 Catalog Year
The General Education Program Website is located at https://www.fgcu.edu/academics/undergraduatestudies/generaleducation/
Program Progression and Additional Graduation Requirements
In addition to the program requirements, students must:
- Enroll in a large ensemble (1 credit) every semester they are enrolled in an applied lesson.
- Complete a minimum of 120 credits.
- Complete a minimum of 48 of the 120 credits must be at the upper division (3000-4999 level).
- Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all coursework attempted at FGCU.
- Satisfy the College-Level Skills, and foreign language entrance requirements.
- Satisfy the Service-Learning requirement.
- Satisfy the Civic Literacy requirement.
- Complete the summer course enrollment requirement.
- Satisfy the residency requirement: 32 of the last 60 credits must be completed at FGCU, including 12 credits in the major.
- Submit an online Application for Graduation by the deadline listed in the FGCU Academic Calendar.
Program Requirements
- FGCU General Education Program (https://www.fgcu.edu/academics/undergraduatestudies/generaleducation/)
To prevent or minimize excess hours, select general education courses that satisfy common prerequisite requirements for your intended major. - Common Prerequisites
A minimum grade of C is required in each course
FGCU Course: Choose 4 credits in MUN 1XXX or 2XXX (1 credit per semester) (4)
Acceptable Substitute: MUNX000-X999
FGCU Course: MUT 1111 Music Theory I (3)
Acceptable Substitute: MUTX111 or MUTX121
FGCU Course: MUT 1112 Music Theory II (3)
Acceptable Substitute: MUTX112 or MUTX122
FGCU Course: MUT 2116 Music Theory III (3)
Acceptable Substitute: MUTX116 or MUTX126
FGCU Course: MUT 2117 Music Theory IV (3)
Acceptable Substitute: MUTX117 or MUTX127
FGCU Course: (MUT 1241 Aural Skills I (1) and MUT 1242 Aural Skills II (1) and MUT 2246 Aural Skills III (1) and MUT 2247 Aural Skills IV (1))
Acceptable Substitute: [(MUTX241 and MUTX242 and MUTX246 and MUTX247) or (MUTX221 and MUTX222 and MUTX226 and MUTX227) or (MUTX271 and MUTX272 and MUTX276 and MUTX277)]
FGCU Course: Choose 4 credits of Freshman Applied Music in MVX 1X1X (2 credits per semester) (4)
Acceptable Substitute: MVXXX1X
FGCU Course: Choose 4 credits of Sophomore Applied Music in MVX 2X2X (2 credits per semester) (4)
Acceptable Substitute: MVXXX2X
FGCU Course: MVK 1111 and MVK 1112 and MVK 2121 and MVK 2122* (0-4)
Acceptable Substitute: MVKX111 and MVKX112 and MVKX121 and MVKX122* as needed to achieve piano proficiency.
*Students take the Secondary Piano-Proficiency by Examination as part of the course MVK 2122 - Required Courses in the Major (37 credits)
A minimum grade of C or S is required in each course
IDS 3300 Foundations of CivicEngagement (3)
MUG 3104 Introduction to Conducting (2)
MUH 3211 Survey of Music History I (3)
MUH 3212 Survey of Music History II (3)
MUN 3XXX-4XXX Ensemble (1 cr x 4 semesters) (4)
MUS 1010 Recital Attendance (0 cr x 6 semesters) (0)
MUS 1360 Intro to Music Technology (1)
MUS 3953 Junior Recital (0)
MUS 4920 Senior Capstone in Music (3)
MUS 4954 Senior Recital (1)
MUT 3311 Orchestration and Arranging (3)
MUT 3611 Form and Analysis (2)
MVX 3XXX Junior Applied Music (3 cr x 2 semesters) (6)
MVX 4XXX Senior Applied Music (3 cr x 2 semesters) (6) - Restricted Electives in the Major (1 credit)
A minimum grade of C or S is required in each course.
Complete one of the following:
MUN 3453 Piano Ensemble (0-1)
MUN 3463 Instrumental Chamber Music (0-1)
MUO 3503 Opera/Musical Theater Workshop (0-1) - Concentration (13-18 credits)
A minimum grade of C or S is required in each course.
Complete requirements for one concentration
Voice Concentration
GER 1120C or (GER1120 & 1120L) and GER 1121C or (GER 1121 & 1121L) (8) or FRE 1120C or (FRE 1120 & FRE 1120L) and FRE 1121C or (FRE 1121 & 1121L) (8)
MUE 3433 Vocal Pedagogy (2)
MUE 4492 Choral Lit and Conducting Tech (3)
MUL 4602 Vocal Literature (2)
MUS 1201 Diction I (1)
MUS 2202 Diction II (1)
Additional 1 upper division (3000-4999 level) credit with the prefix of MUX
Piano Concentration
MUE 3303 Piano Pedagogy I (3)
MUE 3304 Piano Pedagogy II (3)
MUL 4481 Piano Literature I (3)
MUL 4485 Piano Literature II (3)
MVK 3702 Piano Accomp & Collaboration (2)
Instrumental Concentration
MUE 3487 Instrumental Pedagogy (3)
MUG 3204 Instr. Lit. & Cond. Techniques (3)
MUL 4550 Instrumental Literature (3)
Additional 4 upper division (3000-4999 level) credits with the prefix of MUX - University Requirements (3 credits)
Select one of the following:
IDS 3920 University Colloquium (3)
Or at least 3 credits in sustainability coursework (SCGR Attribute) - Additional Electives - as needed to reach total credits required for the degree
Total Credits Required: 120
Degree Map
Toggle More InfoDegree Maps are to be used as a general guideline for students. Some students scheduling needs may vary based upon completed courses and transfer credits. Please see your advisor for assistance and verification.
2024-25 BA Music Performance Instrumental Degree Map
2024-25 BA Music Performance Piano Degree Map
2024-25 BA Music Performance Voice Degree Map
Additional Graduation Requirements include the following:
- A minimum of 120 credit hours.
- A minimum of 48 of the 120 hours must be at the upper division (3000 - 4999) level.
- A cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all coursework attempted at FGCU.
- A minimum grade of C for each course used to satisfy the following categories: common prerequisites, required courses in the major, and courses in the concentration.
- Satisfaction of the College-Level Skills and foreign language entrance requirements.
- Satisfaction of the Service Learning requirement (See www.fgcu.edu/connect).
- Satisfaction of the residency requirement: thirty of the last sixty credits must be completed at FGCU.
- Completion of the summer course enrollment requirement.
- Submit an online Application for Graduation via Gulfline by the deadline listed in the FGCU Academic Calendar.
Transfer Notes and Acceptable Substitutes
For All Majors: Students are strongly recommended to select required lower division electives that will enhance their General Education coursework and that will support their intended baccalaureate degree program. Students should consult with an academic advisor in their major degree area.
Course Description
Toggle More InfoOfficial Course Descriptions
Search for official course descriptions by using the Course Description Search utility.
Go to the Course Descriptions Search Web page, then follow these steps:
- Select an Academic Year from the TERM dropdown (required)
- Select a course prefix from one of the SUBJECT dropdowns (required)
- Enter search words in the TEXT field (optional, but will narrow the search results)
- Press Search
Course Schedule
Toggle More InfoGetting Started With the Course Schedule Search
Search for program courses by using the Course Schedule Search utility.
Go to the Course Schedule Search Web page, then follow these steps:
- Select an Academic Year from the TERM dropdown (required)
- Select one or more of the search options to narrow your results (for example, CAMPUS, COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT, LEVEL, PREFIX*, COURSE ATTRIBUTE**). For virtual or web courses, select VIRTUAL in the CAMPUS field.
- Press Search.
*A course prefix is a three-letter designator for a major division of an academic discipline (for example, ACG for Accounting , BSC for Biological Science, ENC for English Composition). See the Degree Requirements page for a list of courses (with prefix and number) that can be used to fulfill degree requirements.
**A course attribute identifies specific characteristics of courses that can be used in a Degree Evaluation to satisfy a degree requirement. (Course attribute examples are Humanities courses - GEHM and Social Science courses - GESO.)
Learning Outcomes
Toggle More InfoMusic Performanace B.A.
Academic Learning CompactConsistent with its mission and guiding principles, Florida Gulf Coast University is committed to academic excellence and continuous quality improvement, as supported by a sound teaching-learning process. Within this process, students and instructors share responsibility for learning that is a movement from the simple to the complex, the concrete to the abstract, and the dependent to the independent. The Academic Learning Compact (ALC) initiative supports the teaching-learning process by clearly identifying expected core student learning outcomes in the areas of content/discipline knowledge and skills, communication skills, and critical thinking skills; aligning curricula with expectations; and using assessment to guide continuous improvement.BAMusPerf-DIS1
Graduates in the Music Performance B.A will be able to demonstrate proper technique, understanding of musical style, poise, and artistic expression in applied area, as soloist and ensemble member.
Graduates in the Music Performance B.A will be able to plan, develop, and execute recitals appropriate to applied instruments and area.
Graduates in the Music Performance B.A will be able to alternately demonstrate the understanding of style periods in Western music in both written and oral form.
Graduates in the Music Performance B.A will be able to write on musical topics using a developed vocabulary of relevant technical terms and concepts, in a manner that reflects comprehension of words meanings and usage.
Graduates in the Music Performance B.A will be able to provide melodic, harmonic, rhythmic and formal analysis of music written from 1700-present.
Graduates in the Music Performance B.A will be able to develop strategies for recognizing, diagnosing and resolving technical and musical issues in applied instrument areas.
Learning Outcomes will be assessed in the following courses:BAMusPerf-DIS1
· MUS 4954 - Senior Recital
· MVB 4441 - Senior Applied Trumpet
· MVB 4442 - Senior Applied Horn
· MVB 4443 - Senior Applied Trombone
· MVB 4444 - Senior Applied Euphonium
· MVB 4445 - Senior Applied Tuba
· MVK 4241 - Senior Applied Piano
· MVP 4441 - Senior Applied Percussion
· MVS 4441 - Senior Applied Violin
· MVS 4442 - Senior Applied Viola
· MVS 4443 - Senior Applied Cello
· MVS 4444 - Senior Applied Double Bass
· MVS 4445 - Senior Applied Harp
· MVS 4446 - Senior Applied Guitar
· MVW 4441 - Senior Applied Flute
· MVW 4442 - Senior Applied Oboe
· MVW 4443 - Senior Applied Clarinet
· MVW 4444 - Senior Applied Bassoon
· MVW 4445 - Senior Applied Saxophone
· MUS 4954 - Senior Recital
· MVB 4441 - Senior Applied Trumpet
· MVB 4442 - Senior Applied Horn
· MVB 4443 - Senior Applied Trombone
· MVB 4444 - Senior Applied Euphonium
· MVB 4445 - Senior Applied Tuba
· MVK 4241 - Senior Applied Piano
· MVP 4441 - Senior Applied Percussion
· MVS 4441 - Senior Applied Violin
· MVS 4442 - Senior Applied Viola
· MVS 4443 - Senior Applied Cello
· MVS 4444 - Senior Applied Double Bass
· MVS 4445 - Senior Applied Harp
· MVS 4446 - Senior Applied Guitar
· MVW 4441 - Senior Applied Flute
· MVW 4442 - Senior Applied Oboe
· MVW 4443 - Senior Applied Clarinet
· MVW 4444 - Senior Applied Bassoon
· MVW 4445 - Senior Applied Saxophone
MUS 4920 - Senior Capstone in Music
MUS 4920 - Senior Capstone in Music
MUT 3611 - Form and Analysis
MUT 3611 - Form and Analysis
Tuition, Fees, and Financial Assistance
Toggle More InfoTuition and Fees
Information on Tuition, Fees and estimated total Cost of Attendance is available on the Office of the Bursar web site.
Music Program Fees
Music majors pay $150 and music minors pay $75 per semester to help cover music equipment maintenance and replacement including piano tuning, annual instrumental repairs, limited departmental equipment purchase and other expenses that benefit all music students.Music Scholarship Opportunities
For the 2022/23 Academic Year, scholarships for full or partial tuition, full or partial housing, and/or a stipend toward meals are available.
Scholarship auditions are held at the same time as auditions for admission to the Bower School of Music.
All Audition information can be found here.Financial Aid
Visit FGCU's Financial Aid Web site for information about grants, additional scholarships, loans, and student employment.