Starting Over, Starting Better: Best Practices for HyFlex and Online Teaching
August 18, 2020
/ Instructional Technology Team
This is a vendor webinar and is not facilitated by the FGCU Digital Learning Deparment.
Last semester will not go down in history as anyone’s favorite. Now as we start a
new semester, for many schools, plans are continuing to change even as classes start.
How are instructors supposed to create an effective learning environment?
Let’s focus on what we can control. Join this webinar for some best practices for
running a classroom with a virtual component, whether that’s a hybrid classroom or
one that’s fully online.

Some of the topics we’ll discuss:
- Building a virtual classroom community
- Balancing the needs of in-person and online students
- Wrangling the chat and Q&A
- Demos and labs
- Creating interactive and experiential components
- Keeping the personal touch
While this semester may not be ideal, let’s make it the best we can!