Technology Team

2024-2025 Members

Weatherford, Elizabeth (Chair) CAS 2025
Stork, Michele COE 2025
Vanselow, Scott DKSOE 2025
Syn, Thant LCOB 2027
Carlin, Anna LIB 2025
St. Laurent, Pamela MCHHS 2027
Bhatt, Dhruvkumar TWS 2025
No Representation UAS  
Koufakou, Anna WCE 2025
  ex officio, Academic Computing  

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

Date Document


Team By-Laws

(i) Composition

The Technology Team consists of one faculty member representing each academic unit and an ex officio member from academic computing.

(ii) Responsibilities and Duties

The Technology Team functions as an advisory group to academic computing and other University computing bodies. The team will review and recommend policies concerning all matters relating to University computing, including distance learning needs and requirements.