Select a year from the dropdown below.
Then use the search bar and filter buttons below to find a syllabus.
- The LCOB Syllabi Archive project begins with the Spring 2012 semester and ends with the Spring 2020 Semester.
- Syllabi from Summer 2020 and onward can be found using the FGCU Schedule Search tool (Gulfline). To find a specific syllabus you need to (1) search for the specific course, (2) click on the corresponding "CRN", and (3) scroll down in the pop-up window then click on "Course Syllabus".
2019 Syllabi Collection
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Conrecode, J. | Spring 2019 | 11002 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Conrecode, J. | Spring 2019 | 11003 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Conrecode, J. | Spring 2019 | 11004 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Conrecode, J. | Spring 2019 | 11005 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Conrecode, J. | Spring 2019 | 11006 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Jimenez, J. | Spring 2019 | 12820 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Patterson, B. | Spring 2019 | 11007 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Acheampong, D. | Spring 2019 | 11009 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Acheampong, D. | Spring 2019 | 11010 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Acheampong, D. | Spring 2019 | 11011 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Acheampong, D. | Spring 2019 | 11014 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Furr, J. | Spring 2019 | 11012 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Furticella, E. | Spring 2019 | 11013 |
ACG 3103 | Intermediate Fin. Acctg. I | Burgess, D. | Spring 2019 | 11015 |
ACG 3103 | Intermediate Fin. Acctg. I | Pinello, A. | Spring 2019 | 11016 |
ACG 3113 | Intermediate Fin. Acctg. II | Valencia, A. | Spring 2019 | 11017 |
ACG 3113 | Intermediate Fin. Acctg. II | Valencia, A. | Spring 2019 | 11018 |
ACG 3341 | Cost Accounting | Johnson, E. | Spring 2019 | 11019 |
ACG 3341 | Cost Accounting | Johnson, E. | Spring 2019 | 12810 |
ACG 3401 | Accounting Information Systems | Benford, T. | Spring 2019 | 11020 |
ACG 3401 | Accounting Information Systems | Benford, T. | Spring 2019 | 11021 |
ACG 4123 | Intermediate Fin. Acct. III | Burgess, D. | Spring 2019 | 11022 |
ACG 4123 | Intermediate Fin. Acct. III | Burgess, D. | Spring 2019 | 11023 |
ACG 4501 | Government & Not-for-Profit | Volkan, A. | Spring 2019 | 11024 |
ACG 4632 | Independent Audit I | Pinello, A. | Spring 2019 | 11025 |
ACG 4632 | Independent Audit I | Pinello, A. | Spring 2019 | 11026 |
ACG 4940 | Accounting Internship | Burgess, D. | Spring 2019 | 12103 |
ACG 6075 | Managerial Accounting | Valencia, A. | Spring 2019 | 11027 |
ACG 6135 | Accounting Theory | Volkan, A. | Spring 2019 | 11028 |
ACG 6405 | Adv Acct Information Systems | Johnson, E. | Spring 2019 | 12667 |
BUL 3130 | Legal & Ethical Enviro of Bus | Fernandez, D. | Spring 2019 | 11031 |
BUL 3130 | Legal & Ethical Enviro of Bus | Gunter, P. | Spring 2019 | 11032 |
BUL 3130 | Legal & Ethical Enviro of Bus | Homer, J. | Spring 2019 | 11030 |
BUL 3130 | Legal & Ethical Enviro of Bus | Scott, K. | Spring 2019 | 11033 |
BUL 3320 | Law & Business I | Fernandez, D. | Spring 2019 | 11035 |
BUL 3320 | Law & Business I | Placid, R. | Spring 2019 | 11034 |
BUL 6456 | Legal and Ethical Issues | Placid, R. | Spring 2019 | 11036 |
BUL 6831 | Law & Business II | Fernandez, D. | Spring 2019 | 11038 |
TAX 4001 | Federal Tax Accounting I | Cecil, H. | Spring 2019 | 11039 |
TAX 4001 | Federal Tax Accounting I | Cecil, H. | Spring 2019 | 11040 |
TAX 4011 | Federal Tax Accounting II | Cecil, H. | Spring 2019 | 11041 |
TAX 6205 | Flow Through Entities | Placid, R. | Spring 2019 | 11042 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Evans, P. | Spring 2019 | 11149 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Evans, P. | Spring 2019 | 12795 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Evans, P. | Spring 2019 | 12958 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Izzi, V. | Spring 2019 | 12840 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Littel, C. | Spring 2019 | 12965 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Stout, A. | Spring 2019 | 11150 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Stout, A. | Spring 2019 | 11151 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Stout, A. | Spring 2019 | 11152 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Arseneau, E. | Spring 2019 | 12602 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Bole, R. | Spring 2019 | 12605 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Evans, P. | Spring 2019 | 11153 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Lennertz, R. | Spring 2019 | 11155 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Lortie, J. | Spring 2019 | 12959 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Stout, A. | Spring 2019 | 11154 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Stout, A. | Spring 2019 | 12971 |
ENT 3114 | New Venture Laboratory | Kauanui, S. | Spring 2019 | 13014 |
ENT 3114 | New Venture Laboratory | Littel, C. | Spring 2019 | 12218 |
ENT 3114 | New Venture Laboratory | Ruselowski, G. | Spring 2019 | 11156 |
ENT 3204 | New Venture Growth | Littel, C. | Spring 2019 | 11157 |
ENT 3204 | New Venture Growth | Lortie, J. | Spring 2019 | 12219 |
ENT 3273 | Launching Your Business | Buschle, A. | Spring 2019 | 12694 |
ENT 3273 | Launching Your Business | Evans, P. | Spring 2019 | 11158 |
ENT 3422 | New Venture Capital Management | Littel, C. | Spring 2019 | 12606 |
ENT 3422 | New Venture Capital Management | Littel, C. | Spring 2019 | 12607 |
ENT 3503 | Social Entrepreneurship | Lortie, J. | Spring 2019 | 12608 |
ENT 3503 | Social Entrepreneurship | Lortie, J. | Spring 2019 | 12610 |
ENT 3618 | Technology and Innovation | Arseneau, E. | Spring 2019 | 12611 |
ENT 3618 | Technology and Innovation | Arseneau, E. | Spring 2019 | 12617 |
IDS 2930 | ST: Entrepreneurship LLC | Stout, A. | Spring 2019 | 12862 |
AEB 3933 | ST: Sustainable Agriculture | Roka, F. | Spring 2019 | 13160 |
ECO 1000 | Survey of Economics | Duff, J. | Spring 2019 | 12238 |
ECO 1000 | Survey of Economics | Sweeney, C. | Spring 2019 | 11081 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Claar, V. | Spring 2019 | 13222 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Duff, J. | Spring 2019 | 12639 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Kalich, V. | Spring 2019 | 11091 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Perretti, G. | Spring 2019 | 11090 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Perretti, G. | Spring 2019 | 12637 |
ECO 2013 | Hnrs: Princ of Macro Economics | Swaleheen, M. | Spring 2019 | 10789 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Sweeney, C. | Spring 2019 | 11087 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Sweeney, C. | Spring 2019 | 11089 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Sweeney, C. | Spring 2019 | 12638 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Wright, J. | Spring 2019 | 11085 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Wright, J. | Spring 2019 | 11086 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Biehl, A. | Spring 2019 | 11096 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Biehl, A. | Spring 2019 | 12099 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Duff, J. | Spring 2019 | 11097 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Gardner, G. | Spring 2019 | 11095 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Gardner, G. | Spring 2019 | 13132 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Shannon, J. | Spring 2019 | 13131 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Westley, C. | Spring 2019 | 11094 |
ECO 3101 | Intermediate Price Theory | Wright, J. | Spring 2019 | 11098 |
ECO 3203 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | Swaleheen, M. | Spring 2019 | 11099 |
ECO 3410 | Econometrics I | Swaleheen, M. | Spring 2019 | 11140 |
ECO 3703 | International Economics | Duff, J. | Spring 2019 | 13090 |
ECO 4941 | Internship in Economics | Biehl, A. | Spring 2019 | 12641 |
ECP 3009 | Moral Foundations & Capitalism | Claar, V. | Spring 2019 | 11100 |
ECP 3930 | ST: Labor Economics | Biehl, A. | Spring 2019 | 12640 |
ECP 3930 | ST: Decision Making | Weeks, H. | Spring 2019 | 13206 |
ECP 3930 | ST: European Integration | Weeks, H. | Spring 2019 | 13207 |
ECP 3930 | ST: Industrial Organizations | Weeks, H. | Spring 2019 | 13208 |
ECP 3930 | ST: Game Theory | Weeks, H. | Spring 2019 | 13209 |
ECP 3930 | ST: Economic History Spain | Weeks, H. | Spring 2019 | 13210 |
ECP 6705 | Managerial Economics I | Kalich, V. | Spring 2019 | 11103 |
FIN 3144 | Personal Finance for BusMajors | Kowadla, R. | Spring 2019 | 12642 |
FIN 3244 | Money & Capital Markets | Kalich, V. | Spring 2019 | 11104 |
FIN 3244 | Money & Capital Markets | Kalich, V. | Spring 2019 | 11447 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Byal, T. | Spring 2019 | 12785 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Figares, A. | Spring 2019 | 12155 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Mathews, T. | Spring 2019 | 12154 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Mathews, T. | Spring 2019 | 12645 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Perretti, G. | Spring 2019 | 11107 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Scheff, S. | Spring 2019 | 11106 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Scheff, S. | Spring 2019 | 11108 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Scheff, S. | Spring 2019 | 12643 |
FIN 3414 | Financial Management | Jones, T. | Spring 2019 | 11111 |
FIN 3414 | Financial Management | Jones, T. | Spring 2019 | 12185 |
FIN 3504 | Principles of Investments | Fraser, S. | Spring 2019 | 11112 |
FIN 3504 | Principles of Investments | Fraser, S. | Spring 2019 | 13234 |
FIN 3930 | ST:FinancialStatement Analysis | Zahaby, M. | Spring 2019 | 11114 |
FIN 3930 | ST: INsurance Planning | Zavada, D. | Spring 2019 | 12834 |
FIN 4443 | Financial Policy/Sr. Seminar | Fraser, S. | Spring 2019 | 11116 |
FIN 4443 | Financial Policy/Sr. Seminar | Zahaby, M. | Spring 2019 | 11115 |
FIN 4443 | Financial Policy/Sr. Seminar | Zahaby, M. | Spring 2019 | 12647 |
FIN 4443 | Financial Policy/Sr. Seminar | Zahaby, M. | Spring 2019 | 12648 |
FIN 4514 | Security Analysis | Mathews, T. | Spring 2019 | 11117 |
FIN 4514 | Security Analysis | Mathews, T. | Spring 2019 | 12784 |
FIN 4934 | Student Managed InvestmentFund | Jones, T. | Spring 2019 | 11118 |
FIN 4941 | Internship in Finance | Jones, T. | Spring 2019 | 12105 |
FIN 6406 | Financial Management | Allen, M. | Spring 2019 | 11120 |
FIN 6930 | ST:Student Mgt Investment Fund | Jones, T. | Spring 2019 | 11121 |
REE 3043 | Real Estate Fundamentals | Allen, M. | Spring 2019 | 11142 |
REE 3103 | Valuation of Real Property | Lusht, K. | Spring 2019 | 11143 |
REE 3303 | Real Estate Inv Decision Mking | Lusht, K. | Spring 2019 | 11144 |
REE 4930 | Special Topics in Real Estate | Krol, J. | Spring 2019 | 12833 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Dhar, P. | Spring 2019 | 11050 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Hanwacker, L. | Spring 2019 | 11049 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Hoyt, E. | Spring 2019 | 11043 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Hoyt, E. | Spring 2019 | 11044 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Hoyt, E. | Spring 2019 | 11051 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Sandifer, W. | Spring 2019 | 11048 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Sandifer, W. | Spring 2019 | 12908 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Spence, D. | Spring 2019 | 11045 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Spence, D. | Spring 2019 | 11047 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Wynekoop, J. | Spring 2019 | 11046 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Wynekoop, J. | Spring 2019 | 12906 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Hanwacker, L. | Spring 2019 | 11057 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Jiang, Y. | Spring 2019 | 11056 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Nakatani, K. | Spring 2019 | 12231 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Rodriguez, W. | Spring 2019 | 11053 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Rodriguez, W. | Spring 2019 | 11054 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Rodriguez, W. | Spring 2019 | 11055 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Zhao, F. | Spring 2019 | 11052 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Zhao, F. | Spring 2019 | 12661 |
ISM 3053 | Mobile App Development | Hoyt, E. | Spring 2019 | 12649 |
ISM 3113 | Systems Analysis & Design | Wynekoop, J. | Spring 2019 | 11058 |
ISM 3212 | Database Concepts & Admin | Meso, P. | Spring 2019 | 11059 |
ISM 3230 | Introduction Bus Programming | Jiang, Y. | Spring 2019 | 11061 |
ISM 3400 | Data Warehouse and Bus Intell | Meso, P. | Spring 2019 | 12655 |
ISM 4154 | Info Systems Integration | Zhao, F. | Spring 2019 | 11063 |
ISM 4323 | Network Security | Totterdale, R. | Spring 2019 | 11064 |
ISM 4332 | Project Management | Hoyt, E. | Spring 2019 | 12654 |
ISM 4941 | Practicum in Computer Info Sys | Hoyt, E. | Spring 2019 | 12652 |
ISM 6121 | Bus Proc Analysis & Innovation | Nakatani, K. | Spring 2019 | 11066 |
ISM 6136 | Big Data Analytics&Data Mining | Jiang, Y. | Spring 2019 | 12658 |
ISM 6226 | IT Infrastructures & Networks | Jiang, Y. | Spring 2019 | 12949 |
ISM 6328 | Information Security Mgt | Totterdale, R. | Spring 2019 | 12657 |
ISM 6404 | BI and Visualization Tools | Agarwal, A. | Spring 2019 | 12659 |
ISM 6488 | InformationTechnology Strategy | Meso, P. | Spring 2019 | 12656 |
ISM 6509 | IT Sourcing Management | Totterdale, R. | Spring 2019 | 12660 |
ISM 6946 | Practicum in Info Systems | Totterdale, R. | Spring 2019 | 13182 |
QMB 3302 | Business Analytics | Vuono, C. | Spring 2019 | 11070 |
QMB 3302 | Business Analytics | Yazici, H. | Spring 2019 | 11068 |
QMB 3302 | Business Analytics | Yazici, H. | Spring 2019 | 11069 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Birou, L. | Spring 2019 | 11073 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Birou, L. | Spring 2019 | 11074 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Kirche, E. | Spring 2019 | 11075 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Kirche, E. | Spring 2019 | 13130 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Owlett, S. | Spring 2019 | 11071 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Owlett, S. | Spring 2019 | 11072 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Pulick, M. | Spring 2019 | 12650 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Srivastava, R. | Spring 2019 | 13204 |
TRA 3202 | Logistics Management | Reeder, J. | Spring 2019 | 12653 |
TRA 3270 | Global Ops & Supply Chain Mgt | Kirche, E. | Spring 2019 | 11078 |
TRA 6158 | Operations Management | Birou, L. | Spring 2019 | 11079 |
TRA 6726 | Global Ops & Supply Chain Mgt | Kirche, E. | Spring 2019 | 11080 |
GEB 1011 | Introduction to Business | Fandel, D. | Spring 2019 | 11161 |
GEB 3523 | Critical Thinking for Business | Franz-Hoyt, H. | Spring 2019 | 12622 |
GEB 3523 | Critical Thinking for Business | Franz-Hoyt, H. | Spring 2019 | 12623 |
GEB 3523 | Critical Thinking for Business | Koprowski, W. | Spring 2019 | 12621 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Davison, T. | Spring 2019 | 11162 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Fandel, D. | Spring 2019 | 11167 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Fandel, D. | Spring 2019 | 11168 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Forrer, A. | Spring 2019 | 11165 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Knoche, H. | Spring 2019 | 11163 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Knoche, H. | Spring 2019 | 11164 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Knoche, H. | Spring 2019 | 11166 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Wallace, J. | Spring 2019 | 12624 |
GEB 6895 | Business Strategy | Tarzijan, J. | Spring 2019 | 13024 |
MAN 3025 | Principles of Management | Fandel, D. | Spring 2019 | 11178 |
MAN 3025 | Principles of Management | Ruehle, C. | Spring 2019 | 11175 |
MAN 3025 | Principles of Management | Ruehle, C. | Spring 2019 | 11176 |
MAN 3025 | Principles of Management | Schaffer, B. | Spring 2019 | 11174 |
MAN 3025 | Principles of Management | Schaffer, B. | Spring 2019 | 11177 |
MAN 3025 | Principles of Management | Schoenfeld, G. | Spring 2019 | 12625 |
MAN 3046 | Team & Group Processes | Manegold, J. | Spring 2019 | 11179 |
MAN 3046 | Team & Group Processes | Musselman, K. | Spring 2019 | 12626 |
MAN 3046 | Team & Group Processes | Schaffer, B. | Spring 2019 | 11181 |
MAN 3063 | Organizational Ethics & Values | Davison, T. | Spring 2019 | 11184 |
MAN 3063 | Organization Ethics & Values | Dent, E. | Spring 2019 | 12853 |
MAN 3063 | Organizational Ethics & Values | Ruehle, C. | Spring 2019 | 11183 |
MAN 3301 | Human Resource Management | Schoenfeld, G. | Spring 2019 | 11185 |
MAN 3301 | Human Resource Management | Schoenfeld, G. | Spring 2019 | 11186 |
MAN 3320 | Employee Staffing | Renard, M. | Spring 2019 | 12077 |
MAN 3600 | International Business | Rottig, D. | Spring 2019 | 11189 |
MAN 3600 | International Business | Rottig, D. | Spring 2019 | 11190 |
MAN 3600 | International Business | Ruehle, C. | Spring 2019 | 11188 |
MAN 4143 | Leadership | Mandeville, A. | Spring 2019 | 11191 |
MAN 4143 | Leadership | Mandeville, A. | Spring 2019 | 11192 |
MAN 4441 | Negotiation | Renard, M. | Spring 2019 | 11197 |
MAN 4441 | Negotiation | Renard, M. | Spring 2019 | 11198 |
MAN 4720 | Integrated Management Capstone | Leah, J. | Spring 2019 | 11193 |
MAN 4720 | Integrated Management Capstone | Leah, J. | Spring 2019 | 11194 |
MAN 4720 | Integrated Management Capstone | Leah, J. | Spring 2019 | 11196 |
MAN 4720 | Integrated Management Capstone | Mandeville, A. | Spring 2019 | 11195 |
MAN 4930 | Seminar in Management | Manegold, J. | Spring 2019 | 13216 |
MAN 4941 | Management Internship | Manegold, J. | Spring 2019 | 12107 |
MAN 6266 | The Challenge of Leadership | Dent, E. | Spring 2019 | 11199 |
MAN 6607 | Global Organization Issues | Rottig, D. | Spring 2019 | 11200 |
MAN 6930 | Seminar in Management | Tarzijan, J. | Spring 2019 | 12627 |
MAN 6946 | Management Internship | Manegold, J. | Spring 2019 | 13188 |
SPM 3004 | Principles of Sports Mgt | Brock, K. | Spring 2019 | 11201 |
SPM 3024 | Contemporary Issues Sport | Brock, K. | Spring 2019 | 11202 |
SPM 4104 | Sport Facility & Event Mgt. | Mielke, J. | Spring 2019 | 11203 |
MAR 3023 | Introduction to Marketing | Borgat, N. | Spring 2019 | 11208 |
MAR 3023 | Introduction to Marketing | Borgat, N. | Spring 2019 | 11209 |
MAR 3023 | Introduction to Marketing | Borgat, N. | Spring 2019 | 11210 |
MAR 3023 | Introduction to Marketing | Holmes, Y. | Spring 2019 | 12588 |
MAR 3023 | Introduction to Marketing | Lewis, K. | Spring 2019 | 11212 |
MAR 3023 | Introduction to Marketing | Lewis, K. | Spring 2019 | 13203 |
MAR 3023 | Introduction to Marketing | Tran, G. | Spring 2019 | 11211 |
MAR 3235 | Social Media Marketing | Tran, G. | Spring 2019 | 11213 |
MAR 3400 | Professional Selling | Holmes, Y. | Spring 2019 | 12589 |
MAR 3503 | Consumer Behavior | Lewis, K. | Spring 2019 | 12855 |
MAR 3503 | Consumer Behavior | Van Auken, S. | Spring 2019 | 11215 |
MAR 3503 | Consumer Behavior | Van Auken, S. | Spring 2019 | 11216 |
MAR 4156 | International Marketing | Kennedy, M. | Spring 2019 | 11217 |
MAR 4156 | International Marketing | Kennedy, M. | Spring 2019 | 13211 |
MAR 4232 | Retail Management | Lewis, K. | Spring 2019 | 11218 |
MAR 4333 | Integrated Mkt. Communications | Christiano, A. | Spring 2019 | 11220 |
MAR 4613 | Marketing Research | Case, F. | Spring 2019 | 11221 |
MAR 4613 | Marketing Research | Case, F. | Spring 2019 | 11222 |
MAR 4674 | Marketing Analytics | Case, F. | Spring 2019 | 12854 |
MAR 4804 | Market Strategy | Aboulnasr, K. | Spring 2019 | 11224 |
MAR 4804 | Market Strategy | Van Auken, S. | Spring 2019 | 11223 |
MAR 4832 | Product & Brand Management | Wright-Isak, C. | Spring 2019 | 12591 |
MAR 4841 | Services Marketing | Borgat, N. | Spring 2019 | 12592 |
MAR 4841 | Services Marketing | Case, F. | Spring 2019 | 12856 |
MAR 4860 | Customer Relationship Mngmt. | Holmes, Y. | Spring 2019 | 12593 |
MAR 4930 | ST: Strategic Marketing | Borgat, N. | Spring 2019 | 13212 |
MAR 4944 | Internship in Marketing | Aboulnasr, K. | Spring 2019 | 12108 |
MAR 6158 | Global Marketing | Tran, G. | Spring 2019 | 12594 |
ADV 3008 | Principles of Advertising | Lewis, K. | Spring 2019 | 11205 |
ADV 3008 | Principles of Advertising | Wright-Isak, C. | Spring 2019 | 11204 |
ADV 3101 | Promotional Writing & Design | Brooks, J. | Spring 2019 | 12857 |
FSS 3338C | Introduction to F&B Management | Fraser, J. | Spring 2019 | 11627 |
FSS 3338C | Introduction to F&B Management | Fraser, J. | Spring 2019 | 11628 |
FSS 3338C | Introduction to F&B Management | Fraser, J. | Spring 2019 | 11629 |
FSS 3338C | Introduction to F&B Management | Fraser, J. | Spring 2019 | 11630 |
HFT 1000 | Intro to Hospitality/Tourism | Brezina, S. | Spring 2019 | 11632 |
HFT 1000 | Intro to Hospitality/Tourism | Carbone, P. | Spring 2019 | 11631 |
HFT 1000 | Intro to Hospitality/Tourism | Whitney, P. | Spring 2019 | 11634 |
HFT 3004 | Resort & Hosp Leadership/Man | Alexakis, G. | Spring 2019 | 11635 |
HFT 3004 | Resort & Hosp Leadership/Man | Alexakis, G. | Spring 2019 | 11636 |
HFT 3004 | Resort & Hosp Leadership/Man | Alexakis, G. | Spring 2019 | 12960 |
HFT 3004 | Resort & Hosp Leadership/Man | Collins, M. | Spring 2019 | 11958 |
HFT 3204 | Spa Operations & Management | Brezina, S. | Spring 2019 | 11637 |
HFT 3221 | Mgmt Resort Hosp Human Resourc | Collins, M. | Spring 2019 | 11959 |
HFT 3221 | Mgmt Resort Hosp Human Resourc | Lee, S. | Spring 2019 | 11638 |
HFT 3253 | RHM Lodging Operations Man | Taylor, M. | Spring 2019 | 11639 |
HFT 3271 | Club Management | Albeit, R. | Spring 2019 | 11640 |
HFT 3404 | Resort & Hosp Financial Acct | Groch, J. | Spring 2019 | 11425 |
HFT 3404 | Resort & Hosp Financial Acct | Ramdeen, C. | Spring 2019 | 11641 |
HFT 3404 | Resort & Hosp Financial Acct | Ramdeen, C. | Spring 2019 | 11643 |
HFT 3407 | RHM Managerial Accounting | Jiang, L. | Spring 2019 | 11645 |
HFT 3407 | RHM Managerial Accounting | Ramdeen, C. | Spring 2019 | 11646 |
HFT 3443 | Hospitality Info Technology | Oleksinski, W. | Spring 2019 | 12574 |
HFT 3543 | Spa Customer Service | Wisnom, M. | Spring 2019 | 11647 |
HFT 3573 | R&H Marketing | Taylor, M. | Spring 2019 | 11648 |
HFT 3573 | R&H Marketing | Taylor, M. | Spring 2019 | 11649 |
HFT 3670 | R&H Law,Legal Issues&Risk Mgmt | Werder, K. | Spring 2019 | 11650 |
HFT 3670 | R&H Law,Legal Issues&Risk Mgmt | Werder, K. | Spring 2019 | 11651 |
HFT 3754 | Conventions and Meetings Mgt | Brezina, S. | Spring 2019 | 11652 |
HFT 3802 | Catering & Special Events | Lerman, R. | Spring 2019 | 11655 |
HFT 3930 | ST: Conflict Resolution | Upchurch, R. | Spring 2019 | 12910 |
HFT 3930 | ST: Research in Tourism | Upchurch, R. | Spring 2019 | 13201 |
HFT 3930 | ST: Tourism/Cultural Heritage | Upchurch, R. | Spring 2019 | 13202 |
HFT 3945 | Resort & Hosp Internship I | McGurk, J. | Spring 2019 | 11659 |
HFT 4295 | Resort & Hosp Strategic Mgmt | Whitney, P. | Spring 2019 | 11661 |
HFT 4295 | Resort & Hosp Strategic Mgmt | Wisnom, M. | Spring 2019 | 11662 |
HFT 4343 | Resort & Rec Facilities Mgt. | Wisnom, M. | Spring 2019 | 11667 |
HFT 4457 | Restaurant Cost Control | Whitney, P. | Spring 2019 | 11670 |
HFT 4464 | Resort & Hosp Financial Mgmt | Jiang, L. | Spring 2019 | 11671 |
HFT 4464 | Resort & Hosp Financial Mgmt | Jiang, L. | Spring 2019 | 11672 |
HFT 4755 | Theme Park & Attractions Mgmt. | Lee, S. | Spring 2019 | 11673 |
HFT 4791 | Event Mgt Senior Project | Lee, S. | Spring 2019 | 11674 |
HFT 4866 | Wine Merchandising,Taste &Tech | Brown, A. | Spring 2019 | 11364 |
HFT 4866 | Wine Merchandising,Taste &Tech | Brown, A. | Spring 2019 | 11675 |
HFT 4945 | R & H Internship II | Collins, M. | Spring 2019 | 11677 |
MAR 3023 | Introduction to Marketing | Lewis, Kira E. | Summer 2019 | 50193 |
MAR 3235 | Social Media Marketing | Tran, Gina | Summer 2019 | 50882 |
MAR 3400 | Professional Selling | Borgat, Nadege A. | Summer 2019 | 51025 |
MAR 3503 | Consumer Behavior | Kennedy, Michael W. | Summer 2019 | 50194 |
MAR 4156 | International Marketing | Kennedy, Michael W. | Summer 2019 | 50665 |
MAR 4613 | Marketing Research | Aboulnasr, Khaled S. | Summer 2019 | 51386 |
MAR 4613 | Marketing Research | Case, Francis M. | Summer 2019 | 50195 |
MAR 4841 | Services Marketing | Case, Francis M. | Summer 2019 | 51034 |
MAR 4930 | ST: Services and Loyalty | Lewis, Kira E. | Summer 2019 | 51224 |
MAR 4944 | Internship in Marketing | Aboulnasr, Khaled S. | Summer 2019 | 50561 |
MAR 4946 | Internship Professional Sales | Aboulnasr, Khaled S. | Summer 2019 | 51330 |
MAR 6807 | Adv Market Analysis & Strategy | Van Auken, Stuart | Summer 2019 | 50197 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Burgess, Deanna O. | Summer 2019 | 51016 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Conrecode, Jacqueline R. | Summer 2019 | 50198 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | Pinello, Arianna S. | Summer 2019 | 50199 |
ACG 2021 | Intro to Financial Accounting | STAFF | Summer 2019 | 51094 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Acheampong, Daniel | Summer 2019 | 50201 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Furr, Jennifer M. | Summer 2019 | 50203 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | Furticella, Edward J. | Summer 2019 | 51022 |
ACG 2071 | Intro to Managerial Accounting | STAFF | Summer 2019 | 51095 |
ACG 4501 | Government & Not-for-Profit | Volkan, Ara G. | Summer 2019 | 51131 |
ACG 4940 | Accounting Internship | Burgess, Deanna O. | Summer 2019 | 50556 |
ACG 6075 | Managerial Accounting | Valencia, Adrian | Summer 2019 | 50205 |
ADV 3008 | Principles of Advertising | Wright-Isak, Christine | Summer 2019 | 50189 |
AEB 3133 | Principles Agribusiness Mgmt | Roka, Fritz M. | Summer 2019 | 51158 |
AEB 3951 | Project in Agribusiness | Roka, Fritz M. | Summer 2019 | 51329 |
BUL 3130 | Legal & Ethical Enviro of Bus | Homer, Jessica | Summer 2019 | 50211 |
BUL 3130 | Legal & Ethical Enviro of Bus | Scott, Kristie A. | Summer 2019 | 50212 |
BUL 6456 | Legal and Ethical Issues | Fernandez, Daniel P. | Summer 2019 | 50210 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Spence, Denise C. | Summer 2019 | 50215 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | STAFF | Summer 2019 | 51037 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Wynekoop, Judy L. | Summer 2019 | 50213 |
CGS 1100 | Computer Software & Technology | Zhao, Fan | Summer 2019 | 51036 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Claar, Victor V. | Summer 2019 | 50232 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Kalich, Veronica Z. | Summer 2019 | 51055 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Swaleheen, Mushfiq U. | Summer 2019 | 50231 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Swaleheen, Mushfiq U. | Summer 2019 | 50554 |
ECO 2013 | Princ of Macro Economics | Wright, Jesse T. | Summer 2019 | 51242 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Borges Ferreira Neto, Amir | Summer 2019 | 50229 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Borges Ferreira Neto, Amir | Summer 2019 | 51018 |
ECO 2023 | Princ of Micro Economics | Shannon, John M. | Summer 2019 | 50228 |
ECO 3703 | International Economics | STAFF | Summer 2019 | 50768 |
ECO 4941 | Internship in Economics | Jones, Travis | Summer 2019 | 50557 |
ECP 3905 | Directed Independent Study | Weeks, Henry S. | Summer 2019 | 51241 |
ECP 3930 | ST:EuroUnionEuroProd.Challenge | Weeks, Henry S. | Summer 2019 | 51222 |
ECP 3930 | ST: European Finance&Economics | Weeks, Henry S. | Summer 2019 | 51223 |
ECP 3930 | ST: SAP I | Weeks, Henry S. | Summer 2019 | 51239 |
ECP 3930 | ST: SAP II | Weeks, Henry S. | Summer 2019 | 51240 |
ECS 4013 | Economic Development | Sweeney, Carol | Summer 2019 | 50227 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Lennertz, Reid K. | Summer 2019 | 51042 |
ENT 2000 | Intro to Entrepreneurship | Stout, Annie M. | Summer 2019 | 50159 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Bole, Robert M. | Summer 2019 | 50770 |
ENT 3004 | Entrepreneurship & Creativity | Evans, Paul A. | Summer 2019 | 51029 |
ENT 3204 | New Venture Growth | Littel, Christopher J. | Summer 2019 | 50936 |
ENT 3618 | Technology and Innovation | Arseneau, Eric P. | Summer 2019 | 51093 |
ENT 6441 | New Venture Launch | Lortie, Jason M. | Summer 2019 | 51017 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Figares, Alejandro | Summer 2019 | 50234 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Mathews, Thomas | Summer 2019 | 50235 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Scheff, Steven R. | Summer 2019 | 51041 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Smythe, Thomas I. | Summer 2019 | 50236 |
FIN 3403 | Business Finance | Smythe, Thomas I. | Summer 2019 | 51028 |
FIN 3414 | Financial Management | Jones, Travis | Summer 2019 | 50155 |
FIN 3504 | Principles of Investments | Fraser, Steven P. | Summer 2019 | 50233 |
FIN 3930 | ST: Tax Planning | Figares, Alejandro | Summer 2019 | 51214 |
FIN 3930 | ST: International Finance | Weeks, Henry S. | Summer 2019 | 50826 |
FIN 4941 | Internship in Finance | Jones, Travis | Summer 2019 | 50558 |
FIN 6406 | Financial Management | Allen, Marcus T. | Summer 2019 | 51215 |
GEB 3956 | Study Abroad in Business | Manegold, Jenny G. | Summer 2019 | 51221 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Davison, Thomas J. | Summer 2019 | 50876 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Knoche, Harry B. | Summer 2019 | 50512 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | Koprowski, Wayne M. | Summer 2019 | 50167 |
GEB 4890 | Business Strategy | STAFF | Summer 2019 | 51020 |
HFT 1000 | Intro to Hospitality/Tourism | Brezina, Sherie | Summer 2019 | 50293 |
HFT 3221 | Mgmt Resort Hosp Human Resourc | Lee, Scott A. | Summer 2019 | 50295 |
HFT 3253 | RHM Lodging Operations Man | Taylor, Marcia H. | Summer 2019 | 50854 |
HFT 3404 | Resort & Hosp Financial Acct | Ramdeen, Collin D. | Summer 2019 | 50300 |
HFT 3407 | RHM Managerial Accounting | Simon, Pablo | Summer 2019 | 50855 |
HFT 3573 | R&H Marketing | Ross, Mary Jo | Summer 2019 | 50303 |
HFT 3670 | R&H Law,Legal Issues&Risk Mgmt | Werder, Kelly H. | Summer 2019 | 51040 |
HFT 3754 | Conventions and Meetings Mgt | Ross, Mary Jo | Summer 2019 | 51187 |
HFT 3945 | Resort & Hosp Internship I | McGurk, Jennifer E. | Summer 2019 | 50298 |
HFT 4295 | Resort & Hosp Strategic Mgmt | Whitney, Premila A. | Summer 2019 | 50297 |
HFT 4343 | Resort & Rec Facilities Mgt. | Wisnom, Mary S. | Summer 2019 | 50304 |
HFT 4464 | Resort & Hosp Financial Mgmt | Jiang, Lan | Summer 2019 | 50306 |
HFT 4866 | Wine Merchandising,Taste &Tech | Greenfield, Jerold A. | Summer 2019 | 51157 |
HFT 4945 | R & H Internship II | Alexakis, George | Summer 2019 | 50291 |
HFT 4955 | Resort & Hosp Mgt Study Abroad | Collins, Michael D. | Summer 2019 | 51267 |
HFT 4955 | Resort & Hosp Mgt Study Abroad | Rivera, Marianela | Summer 2019 | 51267 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Hoyt, Eugene J. | Summer 2019 | 51039 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Jiang, Yabing | Summer 2019 | 51038 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Meso, Peter N. | Summer 2019 | 50217 |
ISM 3011 | Information Systems | Rodriguez, Walter E. | Summer 2019 | 50218 |
ISM 4905 | Directed Independent Studies | Zhao, Fan | Summer 2019 | 51216 |
ISM 4930 | Special Topics in CIS: SAP I | Zhao, Fan | Summer 2019 | 51217 |
ISM 4930 | Special Topics in CIS: SAP II | Zhao, Fan | Summer 2019 | 51218 |
ISM 4941 | Practicum in Computer Info Sys | Hoyt, Eugene J. | Summer 2019 | 50559 |
ISM 6946 | Practicum in Info Systems | Srivastava, Rajesh | Summer 2019 | 51321 |
MAN 3025 | Principles of Management | Musselman, Kristen M. | Summer 2019 | 50170 |
MAN 3046 | Team & Group Processes | Schaffer, Bryan S. | Summer 2019 | 50174 |
MAN 3063 | Organizational Ethics & Values | Bacigalupi, Allison L. | Summer 2019 | 50179 |
MAN 3301 | Human Resource Management | Mandeville, Ashley M. | Summer 2019 | 50182 |
MAN 3600 | International Business | Manegold, Jenny G. | Summer 2019 | 51219 |
MAN 3600 | International Business | Rottig, Daniel | Summer 2019 | 50183 |
MAN 4720 | Integrated Management Capstone | Leah, Joseph S. | Summer 2019 | 50912 |
MAN 4720 | Integrated Management Capstone | Rygiel, Joseph C. | Summer 2019 | 50771 |
MAN 4720 | Integrated Management Capstone | STAFF | Summer 2019 | 51021 |
MAN 4930 | Seminar in Management | Manegold, Jenny G. | Summer 2019 | 51220 |
MAN 4941 | Management Internship | Manegold, Jenny G. | Summer 2019 | 50560 |
MAN 6266 | The Challenge of Leadership | Dent, Eric | Summer 2019 | 51026 |
MAN 6305 | Human Resource Management | Schoenfeld, Gerald A. | Summer 2019 | 50186 |
QMB 3302 | Business Analytics | Akhmitzyanov, Ramzis R. | Summer 2019 | 50646 |
QMB 3302 | Business Analytics | Akhmitzyanov, Ramzis R. | Summer 2019 | 51030 |
QMB 6303 | Business Analytics | Kirche, Elias T. | Summer 2019 | 50220 |
REE 3433 | FL Real Estate License Law | Johnson, Henry P. | Summer 2019 | 50157 |
REE 4941 | Internship in Real Estate | Allen, Marcus T. | Summer 2019 | 51314 |
SPM 3004 | Principles of Sports Mgt | Brock, Kelly J. | Summer 2019 | 50188 |
TAX 4011 | Federal Tax Accounting II | Cecil, Howard W. | Summer 2019 | 50209 |
TAX 6525 | International Tax Issues | Placid, Raymond | Summer 2019 | 51019 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Birou, Laura | Summer 2019 | 50223 |
TRA 3151 | Operations Management | Davison, Thomas J. | Summer 2019 | 51023 |
TRA 6726 | Global Ops & Supply Chain Mgt | Birou, Laura | Summer 2019 | 51174 |
TRA 6726 | Global Ops & Supply Chain Mgt | Birou, Laura | Summer 2019 | 51365 |
HFT 3271 | Club Management | Albeit, Ronald | Fall 2019 | 81818 |
HFT 3004 | Resort & Hosp Leadership/Man | Alexakis, George | Fall 2019 | 81998 |
HFT 1000 | Intro to Hospitality/Tourism | Brezina, Sherie | Fall 2019 | 81821 |
HFT 1000 | Intro to Hospitality/Tourism | Brezina, Sherie | Fall 2019 | 81833 |
HFT 4343 | Resort & Rec Facilities Mgt. | Brezina, Sherie | Fall 2019 | 81824 |
HFT 4866 | Wine Merchandising,Taste &Tech | Brown, Andrew B. | Fall 2019 | 81826 |
HFT 3221 | Mgt Resort Hosp Human Resourc | Carbone, Patsy G. | Fall 2019 | 83716 |
HFT 3221 | Mgt Resort Hosp Human Resourc | Collins, Michael D. | Fall 2019 | 82675 |
HFT 3806 | Mgt Food & Beverage Operations | Collins, Michael D. | Fall 2019 | 81825 |
HFT 4945 | Resort & Hosp Internship II | Collins, Michael D. | Fall 2019 | 81820 |
FSS 3338C | Introduction to F&B Management | Fraser, James E. | Fall 2019 | 81827 |
FSS 3338C | Introduction to F&B Management | Fraser, James E. | Fall 2019 | 81840 |
FSS 3338C | Introduction to F&B Management | Fraser, James E. | Fall 2019 | 81842 |
HFT 3407 | RHM Managerial Accounting | Jiang, Lan | Fall 2019 | 82673 |
HFT 4464 | Resort & Hosp Financial Mgmt | Jiang, Lan | Fall 2019 | 81835 |
HFT 4464 | Resort & Hosp Financial Mgmt | Jiang, Lan | Fall 2019 | 81837 |
HFT 3854 | Wellness & Healthy Cuisines | Jones, Hugh E. | Fall 2019 | 83460 |
HFT 3221 | Mgt Resort Hosp Human Resourc | Lee, Scott A. | Fall 2019 | 81839 |
HFT 3757 | Principles of Event Management | Lee, Scott A. | Fall 2019 | 81841 |
HFT 3770 | Cruiseline Operations and Mgmt | Lee, Scott A. | Fall 2019 | 83456 |
HFT 3802 | Catering & Special Events | Lerman, Rebecca F. | Fall 2019 | 81828 |
HFT 3945 | Resort & Hosp Internship I | McGurk, Jennifer E. | Fall 2019 | 81848 |
HFT 3670 | R&H Law,Legal Issues&Risk Mgmt | Neale, Patrick H. | Fall 2019 | 81863 |
HFT 3404 | Resort & Hosp Financial Acct | Ramdeen, Collin D. | Fall 2019 | 81853 |
HFT 3404 | Resort & Hosp Financial Acct | Ramdeen, Collin D. | Fall 2019 | 81867 |
HFT 3407 | RHM Managerial Accounting | Ramdeen, Collin D. | Fall 2019 | 82009 |
HFT 3670 | R&H Law,Legal Issues&Risk Mgmt | Seay, Pamella A. | Fall 2019 | 81864 |
HFT 3253 | Resort & Lodging Oper Mgt | Taylor, Marcia H. | Fall 2019 | 81851 |
HFT 3253 | Resort & Lodging Oper Mgt | Taylor, Marcia H. | Fall 2019 | 81858 |
HFT 3573 | R&H Marketing | Taylor, Marcia H. | Fall 2019 | 81855 |
HFT 3573 | R&H Marketing | Upchurch, Randall S. | Fall 2019 | 83610 |
HFT 1000 | Intro to Hospitality/Tourism | Whitney, Premila A. | Fall 2019 | 83715 |
HFT 3004 | Resort & Hosp Leadership/Man | Whitney, Premila A. | Fall 2019 | 81819 |
HFT 3443 | Hospitality Info Technology | Whitney, Premila A. | Fall 2019 | 81852 |
HFT 3757 | Principles of Event Management | Whitney, Premila A. | Fall 2019 | 83714 |
HFT 3203 | Spa Services and Treatments | Wisnom, Mary S. | Fall 2019 | 81844 |
HFT 4295 | Resort & Hosp Strategic Mgmt | Wisnom, Mary S. | Fall 2019 | 81850 |
HFT 4343 | Resort & Rec Facilities Mgt. | Wisnom, Mary S. | Fall 2019 | 81845 |
HFT 1000 | Intro to Hospitality/Tourism | Alexakis, George | Fall 2019 | 81838 |
HFT 3930 | Spec Top: Culinary Trends | Fraser, James E. | Fall 2019 | 83626 |