CAS Student Experiential Learning Fund
The College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to offer funds to support Experiential Learning activities for students engaged in CAS courses and majors. The purpose of these awards is to provide experiential learning activities for students to allow them to connect the knowledge learned in their courses and majors to practical real-world situations.

The College of Arts & Sciences at FGCU encourages experiential learning. Experiential Learning is based on the idea that learning is best done through experience. This constructivist learning theory begins with a learner experience (concrete experience) followed by a reflection on that experience. This then allows the learner to better connect theories and knowledge (abstract ideas) to real-world situations. Deep Learning occurs when the learner engages deliberately with all parts of this learning cycle: Experience- Reflecting-Thinking-Acting (
The process for obtaining these funds includes an online application by the faculty sponsor, a review by the Dean’s office within 2-6 weeks, and a post-activity reflection report from the student submitted by the faculty sponsor describing the impact. The report should include at least one photo demonstrating an aspect of the experience and should be submitted to the Dean’s office.
These funds are available until funding is exhausted. Applications submitted after this time will be notified and placed on a waitlist in order of submission. Awards will only be made if more funds become available.
Who is eligible for these awards?
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What is the size of the award?
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What activities are included ?
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What activities are excluded?
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When should I submit a post - activity reflection report?
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